ITEST CRYOBANK - ITEST plus s.r.o. Hradec Králové - english

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Diagnostic device > Auxiliary diagnostic preparations
 AUXILIARY DIAGNOSTIC PREPARATIONS                     5 pcs Code: PP 64
AUXILIARY DIAGNOSTIC PREPARATIONS                   25 psc Code: PP 65
ITEST  CRYOBANK  B  - for bacteria (PP 64, PP 641)
ITEST  CRYOBANK  K  - for yeasts (PP 65, PP 651)
Preparations for long time preservation of microorganisms in frozen condition
Purpose and usage:
ITEST CRYOBANK B (K) sets are sterile cryotubes with porous beads and medium. They are determined for a long time preservation of bacteria at low temperature (deep freeze boxes and liquid nitrogen).
1. With bacteriological loop take 18-24 hours old pure culture of the microorganism from solid medium and resuspend it in 1 cryotube with porous balls and medium so that the turbidity corresponds to 4. degree of McFarland's scale.
2. Mix well the cryotube with gentle shaking, not on Vortex mixer and suck off the suspension in such a way that no medium remains over the balls.
3. Close the cryotube tightly, mark the content in the tube and put it to freeze box or liquid nitrogen container.
4. Use rest of the suspension by it sucking off for inoculation as a control of the pure condition of the microbial culture used.
Inoculation from the cryotubes:
1. Take out by aseptical technique (with sterile forceps or needle) one bead from the cryotube and put it into suitable liquid medium or solid plate (drop liquid medium over the ball in this case). Incubate in usual way.
2. Close the cryotube immediately after taking out the ball. Put the cryotube back to freeze box or liquid nitrogen.
3. Keeping to this technique you will obtain 30 identical subcultures of the given microorganism from the cryotube.
NOTE: The period of viability of the preserved strains is at the temperature
                                         -20°C half a year at least
                                         -40°C one year at least
                                         -70°C and lower several years

1. ITEST CRYOBANK B sets are dlivered in 36 cryotubes packs. Each cryotube contains 30 porous beads and suitable medium. The sets are designed for laboratory use only.
2. The sets before using should be kept in a dark place at +4°C and should not be used beyond the expiration date shown on the packing.

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